Technical solutions for vegetable growers and market gardeners adopting regenerative agriculture guidelines

PermaTechnics – flexible and intuitive planning solution for all aspects of producers’ day-to-day activities

An overall solution to complex issues


Picto Productivité

Helps tackle producers’ greatest challenge: saving time!

  • preparing the ITK
  • planning
  • management and follow-up
  • other


Picto Efficience
  • Buy and sell at the right price and the right moment
  • Save resources: personnel, inputs and water
  • Manage timely warnings

Sustainability and ecology

Picto Perenité
  • Choice of constraint levels for practising regenerative agriculture (e.g. crop rotation best practices and other diversity criteria)
  • Maximisation of CO₂ absorption
  • Optimal management of nitrogen inputs and thus of NO emissions.

To meet the complexities of these challenges, the PermaTechnics solution is built around 3 complementary products

Picto Plan


Crop planning lies at the heart of an overall solution. It has to link intuitive use with a whole host of parameters specific to each crop, as well as the complexity of the rotation constraints. All this in order to optimise productivity, efficiency and durability.

Picto Gestion

Task management

Task management must provide the grower with an overview of the specific tasks to be performed, day by day, based on the crop plan but responding dynamically to outside events.

Picto PlI

Interconnected platform

An interconnected platform is the ultimate stage in dynamic planning and the automation of certain tasks. It is enabled by intelligent connectivity to emerging AgriTech technologies.

PermaTechnics is looking for partners

To move forward, agricultural methods need you. Whether you are a bio-engineer, a present or future regenerative agriculture protagonist or an industrialist in the AgriTech field, you can help us speed up the revolution that is already underway to achieve profitable and sustainable agriculture.

Interested in our solutions ?

We’ll be happy to tell you more.